Step by step guide on how to sell your Mac.

Fill out an instant quote

Simply type your gadget name or model in the search-box and hit next. In the next step you will have to select conditions that apply to you device. After 2 proceed to the next step known as "See your offer(s)", here we will give you an Instant Quote on how much we'll pay you for your device and you will be able to see Cash Cart and your total Quote. From step 2 or Cash Cart proceed to shipping form by clicking next button, then complete the process by providing your name, address, phone number, shipping preference and other contract information.

Confirm your quote

This step verifies your e-mail address that have provided, which will be used for transaction information and communication. This step is also way for you to check accuracy of information you have provided in "Instant Quote" trade-in process. *If you should find any errors in your quote - simply contact as using contact form; you will have to provide Quote ID number and your name with details regarding the change you need to make.

Ship your Mac, iPhone, iPad.

If you select to receive a Free shipping box and label the instructions will be provided in the box and the in conformation e-mail. If you indicate that you have a box - we will mail you a prepaid shipping label, for instructions on -> how to pack laptop. If you indicate that you have printer and a box we will e-mail you a pre-paid shipping label, we encourage you to use this option since this is the fastest way to get paid fast.

We receive and process your device(s)

After receiving your device we check the accuracy of the information provided in the online quote, by visual test as well as running test on the hardware. After this step we will issue you a payment whether it's PayPal or company check or contact you regarding errors if necessary. When your device has been processed all personal information will be erased (your personal data is safe with us and will not be compromised by any means,but we still recommend you delete all sensitive information from your gadget before shipping it).

You get paid and collect the money for your device

After your gadget has been proceed (tested, verified) we will issue you an immediate payment via PayPal or will send you a company check depending on your preferences and choices that made at the step "Shipping Form" of Instant Quote process. *Note, we will keep you posted on all steps during transaction until payment is issued. You can register for Free PayPal account here.